Sunday, May 20, 2007

So many medical researchs being done on bilateral cochlear implants!!!!!

Go to google and use phrases for search:

abstract bilateral cochlear

and I found so many medical researches being done on bilateral cochlear implants. I can't even find one research that does not support the bilateral advantages.... YEA!!!!!

I have never seen so many medical research being done on the bilateral cochlear implants today than in the last few years.

I also added more links to the "LINKS" section at

for us to use with insurance appeals and filings. The insurance agents can then use these winning medical research abstracts to convince their bosses for the approval of the funding towards the second cochlear implants for their clients!!!!


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Dan!! (off to check it out)
I am going to a meeting tonight with Edie Gibson from AB speaking...I hope to get a chance to talk to her about the bilateral thing. Perhaps she can help me do battle with BCBS too!!
I appreciate your suggestions and support!!